Monday, April 23, 2012

I ask You for freedom...You broke every chain and gave me the key

The TRUE feeling of freedom
I desire to know it...

to be trapped in your own body
a prisoner of your mind
of your thoughts
you act on what you simply think.
your impulses control you

The feeling that you wish someone would know
someone would see pass the smile
and look pass your dark brown eyes
and rescue you

from self destruction.

Prophets couldnt prophecy it
Preachers didnt preach about it
and Teachers didnt teach me

no altar call could do it
no laying on of hands


I scream quietly....
...but does anyone hear me?

God my only hope from bondage.

                                                           JOHN 11:43-44
And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth.

And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with grave clothes: and his face was bound about with a cloth. Jesus said unto them, Loose him, and let him go.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Is it possible....that we can love.
I mean like really love the way that Jesus loved us
I know we can never love each other with that mass amount of love...
but just the WAY He did it
the intensity He felt in His heart....the depths of this love!
It had nothing to do with the body
He just wanted
to be ONE
to commune
To be with us always.
I guess I reflect my Father.
I too desire that oneness with you
To be around you
It has nothing to do with the physical
I just want to see you naked (lol)
Complete and total dependency on our Father....makes me love you.
How you desire to be like the greatess Man in my life
Intrigues me to know you more.
So for now.
I observe

                                                    Song of Solomon 7:2
Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires